Calling all business owners. Do you have a really cool product, and are pulled in a million directions running your business? Tired of last minute posts and average photography that doesn’t do your product justice? Creating content for your business can be exhausting, I know because I’ve been there. I can help, for a few hundred dollars, I can deliver a gallery of 150+ images for your social media and website. I’m talking flat-lays, lifestyle shots, product shots, and everything in-between. Imagine 200 little squares done, and scheduled out in Planoly or Later so they automatically post. What could you get done in the hours and hours that would save you? How much more could you be doing for your business with that beast off your plate for a few months?! Press the contact button to Inquire about commercial photography.
This shoot for @Purlieustyle was taken at @whitespacestudios in Provo. Its a gorgeous spot with lots of natural light. That blue wall is amazing!
Utah Commercial Photographer
Utah County Photographer
Salt Lake City, Utah
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